dra. willemien visser


Biographical info

Since 1986, Willemina Jacoba Visser is working at INRIA-Rocquencourt (National Research Institute for Computer Science and Control), at present senior researcher in the EIFFEL2 - "Cognition & Cooperation in Design" research group. Her work has concerned modelling and support of complex problem-solving activities, especially design activities. Her book "The Cognitive Artifacts of Designing" is in press at Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Her professional memberships and services include: president of IJCAI'93 Workshop "Reuse of designs: an interdisciplinary cognitive approach"; co-organiser of ECCS'95 and '97 First and Second "European Conference on Cognitive Science"; of the "User- Centred Design" workshop at the Internat. Conf. in honor of Herbert Simon (Lyon, 2002); of the COOP 2000 workshop "Analysing and modelling collective design"; cochair of CHI'2000 Student posters.

She acts as an expert for international journals like IJHCS, HCI, ACM-TOCHI, RED, KBS, Design Studies, and Cognitive Science Quarterly.

Willemina Jacoba Visser has been INRIA Partner leader in several industrial research contracts (with CNET, Airospatiale, Renault) and research projects funded by the French Ministry of Research.

She has been the advisor of four Ph.D. students in Cognitive Ergonomics and in Cognitive Psychology, co-advisor of a Ph.D. student in Computer Science, and advisor of some 15 University apprenticeships in Cognitive Psychology and, as co-advisor, in Software Engineering.

She has published more than 65 research papers (19 in international journals, 6 as book chapters).


_1983-1986 State-employed scientific researcher (2nd cat.) Ergonomics Psychology Project, INRIA Rocquencourt
1981-1983 Part-time lecturer Univ. of Paris VIII, Psychology department and Univ. of Paris XIII, Psychology ..department
1979-1983 Research assistant on various research contracts (CNRS, Univ. of Paris VIII, CNET, ADI)
1974-1975 Research assistant, Psychology department, Univ. of Groningen (Netherlands)


_1983 Doctorat de 3hme cycle (Ph.D. equivalent) Cognitive Psychology Univ. Paris VIII (with honours)
_1980 Licence (B.Sc. equivalent) Computer science - Univ. Paris VIII
1978 Mantrise (M.Sc. equivalent) Experimental Psychology - Univ. Paris VIII
1975 Candidaatsexamen (B.Sc. equivalent) General Psychology Univ. of Groningen (the Netherlands)
1973 Candidaatsexamen (B.Sc. equivalent) French language and literature Univ. of Groningen (the Netherlands)



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local_sala de defesas da pós-graduação em arquitetura e urbanismo.usp, em são carlos
promoção_nomads.usp + departamento de arquitetura e urbanismo eesc-usp
Willemina Jacoba VISSER é pesquisadora Senior do Grupo de pesquisa EIFFEL2 - "Cognition & Cooperation in Design", INRIA-Rocquencourt (National Research Institute for Computer Science and Control).