[design, mediação, interatividade] concepção e desenvolvimento de objetos interativos informatizados
[design, mediation, interactivity] conception and development of interactive objects

pesquisa de mestrado / master research | gabriela carneiro | 2006 - 2008 | Proc. FAPESP 06/53573-4
:: nomads.usp
:: projeto D.O.S

referências . references

[ Para download :: acesso restrito ]


Interactive Architecture.org: <http://www.interactivearchitecture.org>
Life Without Buildings: <http://lifewithoutbuildings.net>
Media Architecture.org: <http://www.mediarchitecture.org>
The Cool Hunter: <http://www.thecoolhunter.net>
We make money not art: <http://www.we-make-money-not-art.com/>

[ Pessoas . People ]

Adam Somlai-Fisher: <http://www.aether.hu/>
Anthony Dunne & Fiona Raby: <http://www.dunneandraby.co.uk/>
Casey Reas: <http://reas.com>
Dan O'Sullivan - Physical Computing: <http://itp.nyu.edu/~dbo3/physical/physical.html>
Tom Igoe: <http://www.tigoe.net/>
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: <http://www.lozano-hemmer.com/>
Usman Haque: <http://www.haque.co.uk/>

[ Pesquisa . Research ]

CITA, Centre for Information Technology and Architecture: <http://cita.karch.dk/>
Design for Wearability: <http://www.ices.cmu.edu/design/wearability/front.html>
The Aware Home: <http://www.cc.gatech.edu/fce/house/house.html> | <http://awarehome.imtc.gatech.edu/>
The Tangible Media Group MIT: <http://tangible.media.mit.edu/>
Equator: <http://www.equator.ac.uk/> | <http://archive.interaction.rca.ac.uk/equator/>
Smart Studio: <http://smart.tii.se/smart/front_en.php>
Interactive Institute: <http://www.tii.se/>
Interaction Research - Goldsmiths, University of London: <http://www.goldsmiths.ac.uk/interaction/publications.php>

[ Desenvolvimento e produção.Development and production]

Arduino: <http://www.arduino.cc/>
Fritzing: <http://www.fritzing.org/>
Instructables: <http://www.instructables.com/>
Open Frameworks: <http://www.openframeworks.cc/>
Processing: <http://processing.org/>
Pure Data: <http://puredata.info/>
Wiring: <http://www.wiring.org.co/>

[ Projetos . Projects ]

ART+COM - Projects Highlights: <http://www.artcom.de>
Brick Light: <http://hehe.org>
HAPI - haptic interaction for mobile devices: <http://www.hapi-project.com/>
Mindstorm Interactive Surface Solutions: <http://www.mindstorm.eu.com/solutions?category=ibar>
Sonic Fabric: <http://www.sonicfabric.com/index.html>
The Remote Home: <http://www.tobi.net/page.php?id19>
The Hug Shirt: <http://cutecircuit.com>
Bins and Benches: <http://www.greyworld.org/>
Telematic Dreaming: <http://www.hgb-leipzig.de/%7Esermon/dream/>
The Smart House: <http://www.cc.gatech.edu/fce/seminar/fa98-info/smart_homes.html>

[ Media Artists ]

Andréa Zapp: <http://azapp.de>
Akke Wagenaar: < http://www.errorg.info/akke/>
Akitsugu Maebayashi: <http://www2.gol.com/users/m8/index.html>
Atau Tanaka: <http://sensorband.com/atau>
Bernd Linderman: <http://bernd-lintermann.de>
COMBUT project: <http://kut-berlin.de/combutt>
Daniel Rozin: <http://smoothware.com/danny/>
Eddo Stern: <http://eddostern.com>
Eduardo Kac: <http://www.ekac.org/index.html>
Edwin van der Heide: <http://www.evdh.net/>
FUR/Art Enterteinment Interfaces < http://www.fursr.com/>
Granular Synthesis:
< http://www.granularsynthesis.info/>
Hiroo Iwata: <http://intron.kz.tsykuba.ac.jp>
Human Connectedness Group: <http://web.media.mit.edu/~stefan/hc/>
Jay Lee ÷ Bill Keays: <http://www.iamas.ac.jp/interaction/i01/works/E/jay-bill.html>
Jonah Brucker-Cohen: <http://www.coin-operated.com/>
Ken Goldberg: < http://goldberg.berkeley.edu/>
Margarete Jahrmann, Max moswitzer: <http://www.climax.at/>
Mark Hansen / Ben Rubin: <http://www.earstudio.com/>
Marnix de Nijs: <http://www.marnixdenijs.nl/>
Masaki Fujihata: < http://www.ima.fa.geidai.ac.jp/~masaki/>
Michael Sau/Supreme Particles: < http://particles.de/>
Naoko Tosa: <http://tosa.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp>
Richard Kriesche: <http://iis.joanneum.ac.at/kriesche>
Scott Snibbe: <http://www.snibbe.com/>
Sherrie Rabinowitzand Kit Galloway: <http://www.ecafe.com>
Stenia & Woody Vasulka: < http://www.vasulka.org/>
Supreme Particles: <http://www.particles.de/paradocs/index.html>
Tamasz Walizki: <http://waliczky.com/waliczky_start.htm>
Tiffany Holmes: <http://www.tiffanyholmes.com>

Thecla Schiphorst: <http://www.siat.sfu.ca/faculty/thecla_schiphorst>

[ História da Mídia . Media Art History ]

The Museum of Lost Interactions <http://www.idl.dundee.ac.uk/moli/index.php>
VinylVideo <http://www.vinylvideo.com/>
Database of Virtual Art <http://www.virtualart.at/>
REFRESH! <http://www.mediaarthistory.org/>

[ Livros.books ]

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