English content

Luciana Roça is a doctorate candidate at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. She holds a Master of Science in Architecture and Urbanism from the same University. She is a Bachelor of Audiovisual from the Federal University of São Carlos. She is a researcher at Nomads.usp (Centre for Interactive Living Studies) and part of the editorial committee of V!RUS Journal. She is a Research fellow of FAPESP, São Paulo State Agency for Research. Luciana has experience in the area of intersection between Sound Studies and Urbanism, especially on the relationship between sound practices, listening, public space and politics. She accomplished a research internship at CRESSON (Research Centre of Sound Space and Urban Environment, National School of Architecture of Grenoble, France), supervised by Prof Jean-Paul Thibaud.


Thesis Abstract

Roça, L.S. (2019). The sound and the city: listening to the frontiers in public spaces. Supervisor Prof. Assoc. Dr. Marcelo Tramontano. 314 p. Thesis (Doctorate in Architecture and Urbanism) – Architecture and Urbanism Institute, University of São Paulo, São Carlos.

This thesis investigates the role and political influence of sounds in public spaces, in the constitution of symbolic-cultural territories as a means of political action, consensus and disagreement. Thus, the research considers the social and sensory dimensions, along with the physical aspects of space through the concept of ambience. This perspective privileges interdisciplinary methods that interdependently unite the reflexivity between theory and practice. As a hypothesis, we argue that sounds have aesthetic and political power in urban public spaces, being related to the most diverse aspects of social life, participating in the structuring of urban life. As methods, the research integrates literature review, interviews, study of sound interventions, with the support provided by the application of contextualized practical methods, such as soundwalks and phonography in the neighbourhoods of República (São Paulo, Brazil) and Saint Bruno (Grenoble, France), conducting workshops and field research. The research contributes to the reading, representation and analysis of the uses of public spaces, on the establishment of frontiers between groups and individuals, considering sounds as active means of practice and listening. In addition to this, we found that the sounds and sound environment are a relevant and adequate way to understand the production of urban and public spaces, contributing to the formulation of public policies, urban management and urbanism project.

Keywords: sound; public space; ambiance; territory; São Paulo (SP); Grenoble (France).

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4991-0593

Lattes (Brazilian Academic CV): http://lattes.cnpq.br/9216840537348600

l u c i a n a r o c a [at] u s p [dot] b r


1. ROÇA, LUCIANA; MARTINS, MARIA J.S.; TRAMONTANO, Marcelo. 2019. Exploring territories by documentary: The appropriation of public spaces by collective listening In SHS WEB OF CONFERENCES. , v.64, 01010.

2. THIBAUD, Jean-Paul; ROÇA, LUCIANA. 2017. As polifonias que tecem a cidade: Entrevista com Jean-Paul Thibaud In VIRUS., v.1, 1

3. THIBAUD, Jean-Paul; ROÇA, LUCIANA. 2017. Polyphonies which weave the city: An interview with Jean-Paul Thibaud In VIRUS. , v.1, 1

4. MARTINS, M. J. S.; ROÇA, LUCIANA. 2016. Documentário e Cidade: representando fragmentos, construindo olhares In Virus. , v.1, 1-12

5. MARTINS, M. J. S.; ROÇA, LUCIANA. 2016. Documentary and the city: representing fragments, forming views In VIRUS. , v.1, 1

6. ROÇA, L. S.; TRAMONTANO, Marcelo. 2013. Polifonias, Dissonâncias e Ritmos: Ouvir para Construir Cidades In VIRUS. , v.9, 1-17

7. ROÇA, LUCIANA; TRAMONTANO, Marcelo. 2013. Polyphonies, dissonances and rhythms: listening in order to build cities In VIRUS. , v.1, 1




Book Chapters

ROÇA, L. S.; TRAMONTANO, Marcelo. 2013. Diálogos: a sonoridade do imprevisível In Territórios Híbridos: ações culturais, espaço público e meios digitais, edited by Nomads.usp. e ed 1. Vol. 1, 28-35. São Carlos: IAUUSP



Organised Books:

1. ROÇA, L. S.; Nomads. 2013. Territórios Híbridos: ações culturais, espaço público e meios digitais. Ed 1: IAUUSP



1. ROÇA, LUCIANA; TRAMONTANO, Marcelo. 2014. Creative noise: considerations of sound design for public interventions In Proceedings of the XVIII Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics – SIGraDi: Design in Freedom XVIII Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics  SIGraDi: Design in Freedom Montevideo 532-535 São Paulo: Editora Edgard Blücher

2. ROÇA, L. S.; TRAMONTANO, Marcelo. 2014. Urban Reverberation: juxtaposition between sound and space In Invisible Places, Sounding Cities Invisible Places, Sounding CIties Viseu, Portugal 2014

3. ROÇA, L. S.; TRAMONTANO, Marcelo. 2012. Entornos Híbridos: Som, espaço e simultaneidade. In VI Seminário de Música, Ciência e Tecnologia VI Seminário de Música, Ciência e Tecnologia São Paulo 2012

4. ROÇA, L. S.; TRAMONTANO, Marcelo. 2012. Intercultural Dialogues: Exchanging sounds to create hybrid spatialities In 30th International Conference on Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe 30th International Conference on Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe Praga, República Tcheca 2012

5. ROÇA, L. S.; TRAMONTANO, Marcelo. 2011. Hybrid Territories: sonic interfaces in public spaces In XV Congreso Sigradi XV Congreso de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Grafica Digital Santa Fe, Argentina 201

MARTINS, M. J. S.; ROÇA, L. S.; BENATTI, N.; CALIJURI, J. E.; TRAMONTANO, Marcelo. 2015. Frontier Zones: documentários para ler cidades In Frontier Zones: documentários para ler cidades Encontro Internacional Cinemídia São Carlos 2015